How to Repurpose Content, or Am I Shooting Myself in the Foot?

Christine Taylor

I might be shooting myself in the foot because I make my living creating content for B2B marketers. But I see a lot of perfectly good content that is aging on a website and losing its investment value by the day.

Someone spent money or time to write this piece — a white paper, report, Q&A, blog, case study, article, whatever. Sure, if the piece is good and well promoted then it made back its money and time investment many times over. A single piece of content can bring in qualified leads, which Sales should be turning into purchase orders. In this sense a 600-word blog or 5-page white paper earns back its weight in gold.

But why not increase that initial investment even more by leveraging those existing assets?

  • Turn the white paper into an article.
  • Turn the article into an ebook.
  • Turn the ebook into an infographic.
  • Turn the infographic into a presentation on SlideShare.
  • Turn the SlideShare presentation into a Q&A.
  • Expand the Q&A to create a new white paper.

See how it works?

And heh, since I can help you review and repurpose maybe I’m not shooting myself in the foot too badly. If you need a content review and repurposing plan let me know; I’m happy to help.

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