Content Marketing Isn’t Easy, But It’s Seriously Effective

Why Content Marketing Matters
By: The New Institute

I’m not saying that content marketing is cheap. You probably don’t have hard costs unless you’re seriously using automation, but it does take time to do. However, content marketing is a powerful lead generation machine that takes fewer resources when you simplify the process. (And really takes off when you get other people to do it.)

7 reasons why content marketing a big deal

  • Grow your brand reputation. Without a distinct brand, you’re just another little wave in the same big sea. Your brand is how you present your business in words and visuals. Business branding expresses a variety of identities: traditional, secure, caring, fun, innovative, creative, beautiful, slightly naughty, extremely wholesome, and everything in between. Whatever you want your branding to be, your content marketing should serve it. And since content marketing includes written, visual, and audio assets; it’s ideal for communicating your brand.

  • More content brings in more leads, which makes mores sales. The Content Marketing Institute says that content marketing generates over 3x as many leads as outbound marketing, and costs 62% less. (Outbound marketing is where the business generates contact: ads, commercials, tradeshows, cold calls and cold email.) I grant you that CMI is a bit biased, but with the sales cycle changing dramatically, that’s in the ballpark.
  • SEO (search engine optimization) keeps your business rising in the search results. Keep yourself front and center with your SEO choices. A steady flow of quality content using the right keywords improves your rankings.
  • Showcase your expertise. When you have a lot of competitors all proclaiming their expertise, stand out by proving that you’re an actual expert. Consistently publish quality content that meets your customers’ needs, and communicates your expertise and ability to help.
  • Lower cost of customer acquisition. Acquiring new customers is expensive, so businesses make more money from returning customers than they do for new ones. And businesses who regularly publish valuable content get more leads and keep existing customers happier.
  • Content marketing works during the three stages of the marketing funnel. The top funnel is awareness, where prospects are looking for a solution to a pain point. Most awareness searches start right in Google, and you want them to find you first. The middle of the funnel is evaluation. Prospects may have given you a call or their email address. When you share interesting and educational content, the farther you will rise on their short list. Finally, the bottom of the funnel is the decision. These prospects are ready to convert. You’ll be in active touch with these prospects, and can tailor content specifically to them and their needs.