Looking for a Writer?

Christine Taylor content writing servicesGood content writing looks easier than it really is. You need a highly readable style. You need subject matter expertise. You need to understand your readers and what they want and need to know. And the stuff you create needs to be compelling enough to stand out in a deluge of content. And even if you have the expertise to create good content, do you have the time? Unless you’re a professional offering content writing services, probably not.

Christine Taylor content writing servicesHere’s how it goes. You’re a marketing pro on staff or at an agency. You need to write a white paper to launch an exciting new product. You know you need to, you even want to. But it’s a big project and you keep pushing it to the side in favor of attending to a hundred launch details.

And eventually that white paper just never happens. Ces’t la vie… except look at all the cash that got left behind too.

It would have taken you 12 hours to write it. If you make $75 an hour, your client or company essentially saved $900… but that same white paper would have brought in 350 leads, of which 5% would have purchased your product at $3500 apiece. That’s a conservative total of $6150 left on the table. That’s pretty poor ROI. Even if no one else knows what happened, you do.

And why go there, when all you needed to do was use expert content writing services? You would still get the launch going in fine style and you only invested a few thousand dollars to get the white paper written – for a return of $6150 instead of a loss. Pretty good ROI. Pretty darned good.

Content Writing Services

Christine Taylor content writing servicesChristine Taylor is offers content writing services to technology B2B businesses. She can create that white paper, ebook, case study, article, blog or web page. She’s your secret weapon for pumping out high value, high return content that gets more qualified leads and more and better sales.

Ready to bring your copywriting to the next revenue-producing level? Email or call Christine at 760-249-0671 and let’s talk about how content writing services can make you money today.




Writing Ad Fail

Well, here’s a winning ad — NOT! Company to remain nameless because they don’t deserve any traffic. From Google results:

“Hire Top White Paper Writers – Free to Get Started – Join Now‎. Top Original Content From $0.02/ Word. Hire High-Quality White Paper Writers!”

Oh good grief — top white paper writers for 2 cents a word?! And I thought that the writing services were bad! The sad thing is that some B2B companies who should know better cheap out and think they’re getting a deal. Of course they get utter crap.

When you need a white paper or email series, then pay for good ones. You’ll get leads that turn into sales, and the price you paid for the paper is a fraction of what it can make for you.

Idea Debt?

This hits very close to home.

Idea debt is when you spend too much time picturing what a project is going to be like, too much time thinking about how awesome it will be to have this thing done and in the world, too much time imagining how cool you will look, how in demand you’ll be, how much money you’ll make. And way too little time actually making the thing. (Jessica Abel)

I frequently write about compliance matters for my eDiscovery clients. I drafted this list for a client’s blog and cut it, but it’s worth sharing here. Compliance is hard because it covers so many areas, and employee foibles can get you into some serious trouble. Let’s take HIPAA noncompliance as a common example.

  • Medical records mishandling. In a busy hospital it is all too easy to leave a chart in plain sight. On the digital side, electronic communications such as texting are subject to intrusion.
  • Gossip. Employees who gossip about a patient are in serious violation. Gossip isn’t just loose talk; it’s also sharing when you shouldn’t on social media.
  • Not getting authorization before release. Sometimes HIPAA authorization forms can seem like overkill to employees and patients. But an employee who ignores the need for the form can get in trouble under the Privacy Rule.
  • Missing devices. Losing laptops and mobile devices containing PHI can trigger HIPAA fines. If the data is encrypted then the process isn’t too painful; but if it’s unencrypted, the consequences can be very serious. (Amazingly enough, this happens frequently.)
  • Non-compliant data access. Employees may review health information out of ignorance, curiosity, or illicit gain. No matter the reason, this illegal practice can get very expensive and potentially criminal or litigious.
  • BYOD. In these days of using personal devices for work, employees need to be careful to treat their personal devices with the same level of security as work devices — and IT needs to give the the means to do so.


Social Share Button Rant

This seems like a small thing but it can lose sales. In the past 10 minutes I visited 2 websites that I was interested in. I might have signed up for their email list, or a product, or shared them on social media — but I didn’t do any of those things. Why?


Seriously, what good do those share buttons do if your reader can’t read your content because the stupid buttons overlap it?! And this was on a laptop, not a mobile device. Geez people, test your websites.