Content Strategy Before the Ed Cal

Christine Taylor

Meghan Casey made some good points about content strategy in “Why You Need Content Strategy Before Editorial Planning”. Content creators need to effectively strategize their content marketing plan before touching that editorial calendar.

“I got this content strategy thing,” you may think. You know your voice and tone, you know what formats and channels you’re going to create content for, and you know how often you’re going to publish or share content.

Great! Except that’s not a content strategy. It’s an editorial plan.

Here are the four big elements that you need to consider from the get-go:

  • Mismatched content. Different content appeals to different people. If you haven’t written something that your client(s) want, they won’t buy it.
  • The wrong people. If you don’t know who your target audience is, or even who might be interested in your content at all, you’ll get nothing out of it. Finding the right people is a large part of content marketing.
  • Bad timing. There’s a time and a place for everything. People who might have needed your content yesterday may not need it today. You have to understand your client’s goals and when they want to achieve them.
  • Why do I want this? If you can’t give at least one clearly defined reason why your client wants your content, you’re not going to have much luck. Being able to tell people how they will benefit from your work is essential to any business transaction.